Bendigo Stadium Upgrades

Project at a glance
We will be delivering a suite of upgrades at Bendigo Stadium thanks to the Victorian Government's Bendigo Sports Package.
The upgrades to the venue include:
- Two new courts
- Refurbishment of two existing courts
- Lighting to existing outdoor netball courts
- New solar panels, a back-up generator, and utility upgrades
- Carpark and accessibility improvements
- To submit an EOI, companies must have an ICN Gateway company profile. Information on how to register your company on ICN Gateway is detailed below.
- This is an initial, generic EOI submission only. All companies who submit an EOI will be included in information presented to companies who are short listed to bid for this Project.
- The services, programmes and initiatives provided by ICN Victoria are aimed at complementing a company's existing Sales, Marketing and Business Development strategy and any EOI submitted should not be considered as an alternative to these activities.
- Click hereto register your company profile on ICN Gateway.
- Support and assistance are available through the web links listed below.
- An ICN Gateway company profile that accurately and effectively summarises your company is critical to using the services of the ICN Group - please ensure that your company invests the time and energy required to represent your company in the most effective manner possible.
- Companies should ensure that the email notification functionality within their ICN Gateway company profile is activated to include an appropriate level of coverage to Information & Updates, Major Projects and Regional Opportunities.
1) Gateway by ICN Setup Wizard
3) Gateway by ICN EOI User Guide